Worldschool heeft nog een paar plekjes vrij voor schooljaar 2025-2026! Voor meer informatie mail naar:
Worldschool in action:
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News and upcoming events
Worldschool event 2025 will take place on the 4th of April at the Beatrix College in Tilburg. The programme will follow soon!
Worldschool is elated to give you an update on the school in Pakwach, Uganda. Some of you have chosen the Worldschool assignment to design playground equipment for our school in Pakwach, Uganda. In a collaboration with other schools and the generous funding of ‘ Stichting Wilde ganzen’ and ‘ Van Doorn Stichting’ , your design is now going to be made by the students of the Pacer Community Polytechnic school in Pakwach, Uganda.
The little things we practice today are the big things we feel in the future. A big ‘thank you’ to our wonderful students and your true Worldschool spirit!